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Diaspora members, in addition to assistance provided to migrants working abroad, made a significant financial support to hospitals and people in need back home.

Critical next steps to achieving migrant remittances SDG Target 10.C - a conversation with Leon Isaacs

Episode 4 of the Migration & Diaspora Podcast: Critical next steps to achieving migrant remittances SDG Target 10.C - a conversation with Leon Isaacs

"Doing diaspora" - lessons learned from Dr Martin Russell's diaspora engagement work worldwide

Episode 2 of the Migration & Diaspora Podcast: "Doing diaspora" - lessons learned from Dr Martin Russell's diaspora engagement work worldwide 

Impact of Covid-19 on Sudanese Communities in the UK

The Sudanese diaspora are an active community in helping deal with the impact of COVID-19 in different ways. With little robust information on how Sudanese diaspora and generally African diaspora organisations are doing this, there is little coordination between them. We are currently conducting a research on how Sudanese communities are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, as well as…

EU Global Diaspora Facility Diaspora Engagement in Times of Crisis

With the Covid-19 outbreak leading to outstanding human, social and financial contributions from diasporas, their impact on emergency response is frequently underestimated by governments and relief organisations.
Álexandra BONNIE

IOM Survey: COVID impacts on Migrants / Sondeo de la OIM sobre los impactos de COVID sobre los migrantes

(English and French versions below)
Gamuchirai SL Mandebvu

Who do i belong to?

Migration who belongs to whom?
Gamuchirai SL Mandebvu

Donate for Covid 19 response

As Zimbabweans from all walks of life unite to revitalize the health sector and aid the government efforts. The renovation of Saint Anne's Hospial is key to the long-term development of health services in Zimbabwe but once the hospital has been completed solidarity Zimbabwe is working with other agencies to build up other centers feed the hungry and bring aid to points of need
Peter Kwok

Combat Prejudice Campaign

Dear everyone, Having shared our experience on combating hate incidents and xenophobia at the Global Diaspora Virtual Exchange yesterday, we are initiating our global Combat Prejudice Campaign. The campaign aims to bring together as many supportive organisations as possible to send out a joint statement to the world that we are standing by all diaspora communities who are experiencing hatred at…

6 Steps to Getting Engaged

Do you want to give back but don't know where to start? Is there a cause you feel passionate about but don't feel like you can make a difference? Don't worry. You're not alone. Many of us have faced these same dilemmas and doubts when we first consider engaging as development actors but the important thing is to start and be willing to learn along the way and IOM's Diaspora Quick Start Guide is…