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Promotional VideosiDiaspora: Accelerating diaspora's global engagement in the post-pandemic era
The event opened by our Deputy Director General Laura Thompson, commemorated the two-year anniversary of the official launch of iDiaspora. The webinar presented the progress of the initiative, the following steps, and an upgraded version of the platform. We also welcomed three global diaspora leaders from the Global Diaspora Confederation, ADEPT, and Red Global MX Ireland to keep creating…

Promotional VideosRwandan Diaspora Engagement project to support the TVET sector
IOM - UN Migration in Rwanda together with Rwanda Polytechnic, Ministry of Education and Rwanda Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation implements a Diaspora Engagement project to support the TVET sector by engaging Rwandan diaspora residing in Belgium and Germany in IPRCs across the country.

Promotional VideosDiaspora Engagement in Rwanda in the Health Sector
On September 26, 2020, the Rwanda Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the International Organization for Migration, held an online webinar. The webinar’s purpose was to involve Rwandan diaspora interested in supporting the development of Rwanda. This included diaspora living in Belgium/Germany and skilled in the TVET (technical and vocational education and training)…

Promotional VideosMeet the Global Diaspora Confederation
The Global Diaspora Confederation was formed in response to the need for greater coordination and collaboration in the face of the global crisis brought on by COVID-19. Bringing together diaspora associations and organizations from across the world with a variety of backgrounds and expertise, the GDC strives to assist its members in maximising their impact in supporting their host and home…

Promotional VideosCOVID-19: Financial Impacts on Migrants and their Host Communities
"What we are experience now is a health crisis. But there are economic and labour market implications to this globally in the short term…"
- Michael Newson, Senior Labour Mobility and Human Development Specialist, IOM.