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Promotional VideosA.MI.CO. Emergency Covid-19
With the initiative A.MI.CO. Covid-19 Emergency, IOM Italy has financed the projects of six associations in the diasporas to respond to the vulnerabilities created by the pandemic.
In these months, in fact, third sector associations have been instrumental in reaching people in need and bringing material and psychological support in response to Covid-19. A.MI.CO. Emergency Covid-19 has been…

Ciaran Hickey
Promotional VideosContributing to the Development of Nigeria
Are you interested in contributing to the development of Nigeria?
This film, made with our partner organization NIDOE, features professionals with a diaspora background residing in the Netherlands encouraging others to participate in CD4D2.
Through the transfer of knowledge and expertise, CD4D2 engages diaspora to support the development of their countries of origin. To learn more about the…

Promotional VideosDiasporas and Development - 1 Minute about Migration
How do diaspora communities contribute to development?
This video is part of a series of videos called "1 minute about migration" where we explain some of the key concepts to understand migration. Don't hesitate to comment below if you have any concern or proposal related to a specific subject on migration.

Promotional VideosDiaspora Insights - Salome's Story
IOM Belgium and Luxembourg has launched a new podcast series, "Diaspora Insights". Diaspora Insights is a platform by and for the Belgian diaspora where their work and key topics will be highlighted. For the first podcast episode, we are joined by the talented Salomé Omanga Ysebaert, an African researcher at the Afrikamuseum in Tervuren, Belgium and a member of the decolonization committee in…

Promotional VideosMeet Toni Truslove – Chief Executive of KEA New Zealand
In this interview, Toni Tuslove presents KEA, an organisation aiming to maintain contact with New Zealanders living abroad since 2001. KEA values the knowledge, networks and social capital of the kiwi diaspora who contribute to New Zealand. Learn more about KEA’s mission, programmes and transnational strategies of diaspora engagement.

Promotional VideosGlobal Diasporas reacting to the COVID-19 crisis: Best Practices from the Field
This report brings together best practices of diasporas responding to the COVID-19 crisis in the African, American, Asian, and European regions. iDiaspora was able to collect this information during three organized Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges. It created a collaborative space where diaspora groups from around the world could share their best practices responding to the pandemic. Through…

Promotional VideosA.MI.CO. Ecuador
Since 2011, through the A.MI.CO. – Migration Associations for Co-Development initiative, IOM Italy carries out initiatives aimed at strengthening the role of migrants’ associations as a natural transnational subject and an actor of development cooperation. Thanks to the monetary prize received by the IOM Italy A.M.I.C.O. Award initiative, the migrant’s association “Para Todos” implemented its own…

Promotional VideosThe A.MI.CO. project
Since 2011, through the A.MI.CO. – Migration Associations for Co-Development initiative, IOM Italy carries out initiatives aimed at strengthening the role of migrants’ associations as a natural transnational subject and an actor of development cooperation. This video presents the success of the A.MI.CO. Training Course and some of the projects awarded by the A.MI.CO. Award: a concrete example of…