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Новости Iдиаспоры

pol Lagueras
Board MembershipDana Diminescu
Дана Диминеску - социолог, старший преподаватель/доцент в Télécom Paris - одной из пяти престижных французских инженерных школ Парижского политехнического института.

System Admin
Board MembershipJeffrey Jackson
Джеффри Джексон недавно занимал должность старшего советника по вопросам частного сектора в Африканском бюро Агентства США по международному развитию (USAID), где он отвечал за широкие области в торговле, инвестициях, развитии предпринимательства и финансах. Ранее г-н Джексон занимал должности в Международном валютном фонде, Управлении по международным делам Казначейства США и…

System Admin
Board MembershipEric Guichard
"It is undeniable that the Diaspora is critical to the transformational journey of their country of origin. Whether it is through remittances or through repatriation, the Diaspora has been a determining factor in quantum improvements in citizens lives. Here at Homestrings we focus on facilitating and broadening the impact that the Diaspora has on their home country by providing in-depth…

System Admin
Board MembershipMichael Goldberg
"The challenge of entrepreneurs working in markets beyond Silicon Valley to access capital and support is daunting. Networks like iDiaspora are working to help connect the dots between successful entrepreneurs around the world and entrepreneurs in their home countries that need their support."

System Admin
Board MembershipEmira Ajeti
"Diaspora engagement has become a growth industry in the region where I come from, due to the developmental and policy needs of the Balkan countries. That said, I believe that iDiaspora can add a lot of value, as a much-needed communicative platform for diasporas to engage globally, share top-class content, share best practice and enhance private sector engagement."