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What's New on iDiaspora

More coming soon!

Martina Castiglioni

Diaspora Climate Champions Leading on Climate Action

  There is no place on earth that is immune to the effects of climate change. At IOM, we know there is no planet B, and we engage with key actors, such diaspora members, who have unique and valuable skills, knowledge, and connections, that can enable a more coordinated and effective climate action.  
Annie Yunxian Jiang


In this sixth edition of the newsletter, you will discover that iDiaspora, representing IOM, has been selected to participate in the inaugural UN Pulse Accelerator cohort. The newsletter also featured global news in Georgia, the Philippines, Somalia, on diaspora engagement in both humanitarian and development settings.
Martina Castiglioni

Diaspora 4 Climate Action (D4C) Newlsletter #1

This is the first quarterly Newsletter for the Diaspora 4 Climate Action (D4C) project. It summarises the achievements and progress made during the first three months of project implementation (January-March 2023) and includes hyperlinks to some of the media content produced. The D4C Newsletter is primarily meant to inform and regularly update D4C stakeholders on the progress of the project.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler


Panelists highlighted the significance of diaspora contributions and dynamic responses to humanitarianism, development, and peace.

A Logo for the Global Diaspora - Call for Design Submissions

The Global Diaspora Confederation needs your help to redesign our logo in a way that demonstrates the positive values and challenges of the global diaspora. We would like to invite you to share one or two logo designs with us, either done by hand, colored on paper, sketched on computer or described in a few sentences (telling us which shapes to include and why), by 31st…

Call for abstracts: Times and temporalities of migrant transnationalism

For a series of panels at the 2022 IMISCOE conference we invite papers that address migrant transnationalism with analytical perspectives on time and temporalities. Submit an abstract of between 200 and 250 words by 1 December 2021. The conference takes place in Oslo, Norway, from 29 June to 1 July 2022. Participation can be either physical or virtual.

Call for papers: Diaspora Studies

Call for papers - Nov 1st, 2021

Study on African diaspora organisations' engagement in local development - Survey

ADEPT has recently launched a study on the engagement of African diaspora organisations in local development of the African continent.
Cover Image Description

Diagnóstico sobre la participación de la diáspora paraguaya como agente de desarrollo sostenible

La emigración de paraguayos y paraguayas ha sido una constante desde épocas tempranas de
Martina Castiglioni

Diaspora 4 Climate Action Research Brief: the opportunities and challenges of engaging the diaspora in climate action

In response to large knowledge and research gaps regarding the potential of diaspora involvement in climate  action the D4C project has produced a multi-country case study analysing the potential, challenges, and  opportunities for diaspora engagement in climate action.  This research brief summarises the key findings and recommendation from the data collection in Bangladesh, Ghana, Jamaica and the UK.  
Annie Yunxian Jiang

Advocacy Toolkit for Diaspora Organizations

The Danish Refugee Council engages civil society actors rooted in and/or with direct ties to the Global South, and therefore considers diaspora transnational civil society actors an integral part of the civil society they work with. This toolkit – part of a broader series of toolkits – have been developed to offer practical guidance to diaspora actors in different areas: (1) Diaspora Fundraising, (2) Community Outreach (3) Networking and Alliances Building and (4) Advocacy.
Annie Yunxian Jiang

Diaspora and Climate Action: Actors of Change in the Green Transition


iDiaspora Newsletter - Issue 6 - April 2024

In this sixth edition of the newsletter, you will discover that iDiaspora, representing IOM, has been selected to participate in the inaugural UN Pulse Accelerator cohort. This distinctive program aims to scale innovative solutions from pilot stages to broader implementation, driving transformative change across the UN System.
Catalina Moisescu

Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Infosheet Series: Linking MICIC & Diaspora

The Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Guidelines establish a series of non-binding principles, guidelines, and practices to help governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders, including diasporas, to better protect migrants lives during crisis. Diaspora is referenced across all three MICIC Guidelines overarching areas: crisis preparedness, emergency response, and post-crisis action, with diaspora being recognized as a key stakeholder.

Diaspora, Climate-Induced Migration and Skills Mobility: A focus on Africa

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) have produced this joint report examining topical migration issues for Africa. The report entitled Diaspora Engagement, Climate-Induced Migration and Skills Mobility: A focus on Africa, provides critical analysis, institutional and policy recommendations emphasizing the significance of partnerships for inclusive Diaspora engagement (Chapter 1); managing climate mobility and building climate resilience (Chapter 2); and fostering skills mobility (Chapter 3).


In this fifth edition of the newsletter, you will discover the culmination of a comprehensive consultative process shaping the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPA). Diasporas have achieved recognition as pivotal development and humanitarian contributors at the highest political echelons. They serve as essential partners in development, and the integration of their contributions into global policies and programs should be more comprehensive, systematic, and sustainable.

Care Giver for Humanitarian Response in the Caribbean

This volunteer opportunity will support local first responders providing aid to those affected by Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean.
IOM Rwanda
Event Calendar

Engaging Diaspora Talent to Tap into Opportunities in Rwanda's Finance Sector

The Government of Rwanda The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Rwanda Community Abroad (MINAFFET – RCA) in partnership with The Ministry of Public Service and Labor – Chief Skill

Diaspora Exchange in Uganda


Diaspora Exchange at Wollo University, Ethiopia

Returned Qualified Nationals (RQN)

Diaspora Exchange in Kenya

TERMS OF REFERENCE KENYA DIASPORA EXCHANGE PROGRAM FOCUSING ON INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY AND DIGITAL EXPERTISE Position: ICT and digital skills, which may include software development, data science and IT management. Position type Qualified Diaspora Date of issue 4th June 2024 Beneficiary institution TVET Institutions (Kabete National Polytechnic and Nairobi Technical Training…

Diaspora Exchange at Jigjiga University, Ethiopia

Returned Qualified Nationals (RQN) TO SERVE AT JIGJIGA UNIVERSITY Terms of Reference

Diaspora Exchange at Hawassa University, Ethiopia

Returned Qualified Nationals (RQN) TO SERVE AT HAWASSA UNIVERSITY Terms of Reference

Diaspora Exchange at Wollo University, Ethiopia

  Returned Qualified Nationals (RQN) TO SERVE AT WOLLO UNIVERSITY Terms of Reference