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iDiaspora Stories - Dr. Rana Dajani President of SASTA and Founder of "We Love Reading"

Dr. Rana Dajani is a professor of molecular biology currently an affiliate with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA, USA. She is originally from Jordan and half Palestinian half Syrian.

Besides being a scientist, Dr. Dajani is a social entrepreneur and the founder and director of the program We Love Reading which works on changing mindsets through reading to nurture changer-makers by empowering vulnerable communities, especially children and women.

Dr. Dajani tirelessly works to empower women in science and wrote the book "Five Scarves: Doing the Impossible - If We Can Reverse Cell Fate, Why Can't We Redefine Success?" This book focuses on women scientists from the global south.

Dr. Dajani is also the president of SASTA: Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology in the Arab World. and a proud mother of four 🍬