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Novità Su Idiaspora

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Diagnóstico sobre la participación de la diáspora paraguaya como agente de desarrollo sostenible

La emigración de paraguayos y paraguayas ha sido una constante desde épocas tempranas de

Diaspora Dynamics: Advancing Partnerships for Regular Pathways

Diasporas are key partners in enhancing regular migration pathways, providing responsiveness, support, and influence. Their contributions, often ad hoc, need greater institutional support at national and international levels to reach full potential. Recognizing diasporas as genuine partners allows them to negotiate, advocate, and deliver solutions for their communities throughout the migration cycle.
Annie Yunxian Jiang


In this seventh edition of the newsletter, you will find a spotlight on the Diaspora 4 Climate Action project, the “Diaspora as Agents of Development” workshop for El Salvador government officials and stakeholders, as well as a series of events focused on diaspora engagement across Europe and the United States.

iDiaspora Journal: My insights and reflections on diaspora engagement

The iDiaspora Journal: Reflections on Diaspora Engagement is a unique tool to reflect deeply on the impact and potential of global diaspora communities. Designed as a personal and introspective journey, this journal will guide readers in understanding how diasporas contribute to both their host and home societies, enhancing the global dynamism and promise of migration.

Public Sector Synergies, Private Sector Alliances, and Diaspora to Diaspora Collaboration

Public Sector Synergies, Private Sector Alliances, and Diaspora to Diaspora Collaboration
Martina Castiglioni

Diaspora 4 Climate Action Research Brief: the opportunities and challenges of engaging the diaspora in climate action

In response to large knowledge and research gaps regarding the potential of diaspora involvement in climate  action the D4C project has produced a multi-country case study analysing the potential, challenges, and  opportunities for diaspora engagement in climate action.  This research brief summarises the key findings and recommendation from the data collection in Bangladesh, Ghana, Jamaica and the UK.  
Annie Yunxian Jiang

Advocacy Toolkit for Diaspora Organizations

The Danish Refugee Council engages civil society actors rooted in and/or with direct ties to the Global South, and therefore considers diaspora transnational civil society actors an integral part of the civil society they work with. This toolkit – part of a broader series of toolkits – have been developed to offer practical guidance to diaspora actors in different areas: (1) Diaspora Fundraising, (2) Community Outreach (3) Networking and Alliances Building and (4) Advocacy.
Daphne Henning

Framework for Diaspora Engagement: Philippines Case Study (Fact Sheet)

As part of Phase III of the Framework for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Assistance, a series of case studies were developed on the different contexts in which the Framework has been piloted or implemented.  This Fact Sheet outlines the key points from the Philippines case study (publication pending).
Veronica Uribe-Kessler
Calendario degli eventi


OBBIETTIVO L'OIM lancia la Guida agli investimenti per i tunisini residenti all'estero, rivolgendosi agli investitori e agli imprenditori tunisini, tra cui le comunità della diaspora, per conoscere meglio il panorama degli investimenti in Tunisia, con l'obiettivo di incoraggiare e facilitare gli investimenti nazionali ed esteri per lo sviluppo nazionale. 
Veronica Uribe-Kessler
Video promozionali

Connect, Learn and Contribute NOW!

Veronica Uribe-Kessler
Video promozionali

Unisciti alla comunità iDiaspora!

pol Lagueras
Membro del consiglio di amministrazione

Emira Ajeti

  "Diaspora engagement has become a growth industry in the region where I come from, due to the developmental and policy needs of the Balkan countries. That said, I believe that iDiaspora can add a lot of value, as a much-needed communicative platform for diasporas to engage globally, share top-class content, share best practice and enhance private sector engagement."  
pol Lagueras
Membro del consiglio di amministrazione

Sandra Pralong

pol Lagueras
Membro del consiglio di amministrazione

Gibril Faal

pol Lagueras
Membro del consiglio di amministrazione

Dana Diminescu

Dana Diminescu è sociologa, Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor presso Télécom Paris una delle cinque prestigiose scuole di ingegneria francesi dell'Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
pol Lagueras
Membro del consiglio di amministrazione

Michael Goldberg

  "The challenge of entrepreneurs working in markets beyond Silicon Valley to access capital and support is daunting.  Networks like iDiaspora are working to help connect the dots between successful entrepreneurs around the world and entrepreneurs in their home countries that need their support."