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Irina Leontiev Leontiev

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Job seeker status
Open to new opportunities
Personal Skills
Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication.
Language Abilities
Mother tongue
Digital Skills
Computer literacy: Advance
Programming, Web and App Development: Medium
Digital Design and Data Visualization: Medium
Digital Marketing and Social Media: Medium
Data Science and Data Analytics: Medium
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning: Medium
Blockchain: Medium
Construction: More than 10
Information and communication: More than 10
Financial and insurance activities: More than 10
Professional, scientific and technical activities: More than 10
Administrative and support service activities: More than 10
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security: 5-10
Education: 5-10
Human health and social work activities: 5-10
Arts, entertainment and recreation: 5-10
Other service activities: More than 10
Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies: More than 10
Other: More than 10
Current Position
Manager (e.g. directors, senior officials)
Thematic Expertise
Je suis intéressé à participer à des initiatives, des activités et des projets
Dans mon pays de résidence
Voyage à l’intérieur de mon pays de résidence
Voyage à l’étranger
Je suis disponible pour le(s) type(s) d’affectation(s) suivant(s)
Court terme (quelques jours)
Si vous souhaitez participer, veuillez expliquer brièvement votre motivation
Soy portavoz/representante de la Diáspora en España.

Colaboró con organismos oficiales de diferente ámbito tanto a nivel nacional, como internacional, haciendo de enlace entre ellas, principalmente en España y República Moldavia. Modero y administro un grupo de 25000 miembros que la mayoría son ciudadanos originarios de Europa del Este.

Domaine(s) de travail
Sector privado
Situation professionnelle
No lo sé/Prefiero no decirlo
Domaine(s) d'expertise
Desarrollo empresarial
Importación/Exportación y Comercio Mayorista
Inmobiliario y Construcción