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Recursos De Idiaspora

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Annie Yunxian Jiang

Advocacy Toolkit for Diaspora Organizations

The Danish Refugee Council engages civil society actors rooted in and/or with direct ties to the Global South, and therefore considers diaspora transnational civil society actors an integral part of the civil society they work with. This toolkit – part of a broader series of toolkits – have been developed to offer practical guidance to diaspora actors in different areas: (1) Diaspora Fundraising, (2) Community Outreach (3) Networking and Alliances Building and (4) Advocacy.

Compétences déterminantes, stratégies efficaces et outils innovants

En 2023, l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), iDiaspora, le Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT – Forum mondial de recherche sur la diaspora et le transnationalisme), la Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC – Confédération des diasporas du monde) et la Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP – Plateforme des jeunes et des enfants en situation de migration) se sont associés pour organiser trois échanges virtuels des diasporas du monde sur la communication comme outil permettant de stimuler l’implication des diasporas dans le développement.

Habillidades impactantes, estrategias efectivas y herramientas innovadora

En 2023, la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), iDiaspora, el Foro Global de Investigación sobre Diáspora y Transnacionalismo (GRFDT), la Confederación Global de Diásporas (GDC) y la Plataforma de Juventud y Niñez Migrante (MYCP) se asociaron para organizar tres Intercambios Virtuales Globales de Diáspora sobre comunicación, con el objetivo de impulsar la participación de la diáspora en el desarrollo.

Impactful Skills, Effective Strategies and Innovative Tools

In 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), iDiaspora, the Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT), the Global Diaspora Confederation (GDC), and the Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP) partnered to organize three Global Diaspora Virtual Exchanges on communication, aiming to boost diaspora engagement for development. The core focus was on refining communication techniques, strategic frameworks, and cutting-edge tools within the intricate tapestry of project management.
Iman Berry

Model for Diaspora Engagement in Humanitarian Contexts at Country Level: Engagement of the Ukrainian diaspora organizations - Italian Case Study

Diaspora organizations have been of fundamental importance in pre-crisis preparedness, emergency response and
Daphne Henning

Shelter and Settlements Training for Diasporas - Training Package, Facilitator's Guide

A joint training package geared towards diaspora professionals in order to increase technical knowledge and capacities on safer shelter and settlements has been co-developed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Habitat for Humanity, and the Global Shelter Cluster.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Kit de herramientas para el mapeo de la diáspora

El “Kit de herramientas para el mapeo de la diáspora”. Aprovechando la amplia experiencia de la OIM en más de 150 mapeos de la diáspora implementados en diversos contextos, este kit de herramientas presenta un enfoque sistemático y detallado, aunque muy flexible y ágil, para realizar mapeos de la diáspora en diferentes contextos.
Veronica Uribe-Kessler

Boîte à outils pour une cartographie de la diaspora

La boîte à outils pour une cartographie de la diaspora. S’appuyant sur la riche expérience de plus de 150 cartographies de la diaspora réalisées dans divers contextes, cette boîte à outils présente une approche systématique, complète mais très flexible et agile pour cartographier la diaspora dans différents contextes.

Advocacy Toolkit for Diaspora Organizations

The Danish Refugee Council engages civil society actors rooted in and/or with direct ties to the Global South, and therefore considers diaspora transnational civil society actors an integral part of the civil society they work with.

Diaspora Mapping Toolkit

The Diaspora Mapping Toolkit builds on IOM’s rich experience of over 150 diaspora mappings implemented across diverse contexts, this Toolkit presents a systematic, comprehensive yet very flexible and agile approach to conducting diaspora mappings in differing contexts. By following the proposed clear guidance on how to collect and analyse data on diaspora communities, decision makers will have the possibility to create more strategic and evidence-based policies empowering diaspora members to contribute and engage thus maximizing their contributions to development.