For a series of panels at the 2022 IMISCOE conference we invite papers that address migrant transnationalism with analytical perspectives on time and temporalities.
Submit an abstract of between 200 and 250 words by 1 December 2021. The conference takes place in Oslo, Norway, from 29 June to 1 July 2022. Participation can be either physical or virtual.
Thematic focus
Migrant transnationalism refers to the multi-stranded activities and exchanges that connect migrants and their societies of origin. Transnational practices include remittance-sending, visits, communication, facilitation of migration, cross-border political campaigning, and many other activities that may be initiated either by people who have migrated or by people who have stayed behind.
Time and temporalities have become important analytical themes in migration research over the past two decades. This temporal turn encompasses diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as a range of specific time-related concepts. We suggest consulting Griffiths et al. (2013) (available online) for inspiration. They address flows and moments, rhythms and cycles, tempos, synchronicity and disjuncture, and the future as key modes of thinking about time.
We invite empirical papers using qualitative and/or quantitative methods, theoretical papers and methodological papers. In the selection, we will prioritize abstracts that (1) specifically addresses migrant transnationalism and (2) takes an analytical approach to time. The following examples illustrate how relevant themes could be defined:
- Transnational ties as connections with the past
- The persistence or decay of transnational practices over time
- The temporal disjunctures of transnational family life
- Hoping and waiting in transnational social fields
- Transnational practices over the life course
- Intergenerational transmission f transnational ties
- Transnationalism, death and the afterlife
This list is not exhaustive, and other approaches to combining transnationalism, time and temporality are welcome. The call is open to submission from all disciplines, and to researchers at all career stages.
Organization and timeline
This call for abstracts is organized by the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA). As a standing committee we are entitled to organize two sessions at the conference. After we review the submitted abstracts, we will first select papers for inclusion in these sessions. If there are more high-quality submissions, we may organize additional sessions with 4 papers in each, which we submit to the conference. These proposed sessions will be reviewed by the conference organizers and may or may not be accepted. Authors of abstracts that we do not select for a guaranteed or proposed session may submit their abstracts individually via the conference website if they wish.
1 December: Deadline for this call for abstracts
10 December: Response to authors
15 December: Deadline for submission of panels and papers to the conference
For abstracts that are selected for either a guaranteed or a proposed panel, we take care of the submission to the conference. There will not be a requirement to submit full papers. The fee for conference registration (including individual membership of IMISCOE for one year) is €200. PhD-students pay a discounted fee of € 50.
Submit your abstract via the submission form.
For questions regarding this call for abstracts, please contact Maisie Fitzmaurice ( For general information about the conference, see the IMISCOE website.
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