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iDiaspora Resources

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Mingjie XIE

Guidelines for Engaging Diasporas’ Economic Contributions for Sustainable Development

Migrant and diaspora contributions, whether human, social, cultural, or economic, play an important part in the development of both countries of origin and destination. Migrant and diaspora economic contributions specifically are key to achieving many development goals. The importance of remittances is well understood in meeting the needs of households and receiving communities. Diaspora investment, particularly when combined with migrants’ human and social capital, contributes to sustainable economic development at both national and local levels.
Mingjie XIE

Mapping the Nepalese Diaspora

Mapping the Nepalese Diaspora is the first comprehensive diaspora mapping report produced by IOM Nepal, in collaboration with the Non-Resident Nepali Association and Nepal’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The report presents key findings and insights from a global diaspora mapping exercise, with a specialized focus on 16 countries hosting significant Nepali diaspora populations.
Martina Castiglioni

Diaspora 4 Climate Action Research Brief: the opportunities and challenges of engaging the diaspora in climate action

In response to large knowledge and research gaps regarding the potential of diaspora involvement in climate  action the D4C project has produced a multi-country case study analysing the potential, challenges, and  opportunities for diaspora engagement in climate action.  This research brief summarises the key findings and recommendation from the data collection in Bangladesh, Ghana, Jamaica and the UK.  

Diaspora, Climate-Induced Migration and Skills Mobility: A focus on Africa

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) have produced this joint report examining topical migration issues for Africa. The report entitled Diaspora Engagement, Climate-Induced Migration and Skills Mobility: A focus on Africa, provides critical analysis, institutional and policy recommendations emphasizing the significance of partnerships for inclusive Diaspora engagement (Chapter 1); managing climate mobility and building climate resilience (Chapter 2); and fostering skills mobility (Chapter 3).

Carrying out the Onomastic Analysis for Mapping the Kazakh Diaspora

This study is based on quantitative (survey of respondents) and qualitative (survey of experts, in-depth interviews) methods of collecting information collected in December 2021 - August 2022. Purpose: to study the institutionalization of the Kazakh community of the Russian Federation. The study consists of two parts: 1) survey of respondents – ethnic Kazakhs living in the Russian Federation (citizens of the Russian Federation), 2) survey of expert specialists, scientists, researchers in the field of migration, diasporology, anthropology, international relations, etc.

Diaspora and Transnational identities - An Analysis of Legal Frameworks and Policies

Diasporas possess unique qualities that make them valuable partners in the Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus. They have the knowledge, networks and motivation to effectively respond to emergencies and contribute to long-term development solutions.

DIASPORAS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS: A snapshot of the available evidence

KEY POINTS • IOM defines diasporas as migrants or descendants of migrants whose identity and senses of belonging, either real or symbolic, have been shaped by their migration experience and background (see Figure 1). • At least 280,5 million people – around 3 per cent of the global population - live in a country other than their country of origin. • More than 70 percent of countries participating in the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) globally have established diaspora or emigration institutions.

Diásporas na vanguarda da proteção social: impactos, dinâmicas e oportunidades futuras

Os estados são responsáveis ​​por fornecer proteção social aos seus cidadãos e, em um contexto migratório, são os países de destino os principais responsáveis. No entanto, as limitações na cobertura e acesso dos migrantes deram origem a uma infinidade de medidas informais, incluindo aquelas oriundas de comunidades transnacionais e diásporas que sustentam famílias e comunidades por meio de redes pessoais, garantindo acesso a cuidados de saúde, educação, aposentadoria e segurança social.

Diásporas al frente de la protección social: Impactos, dinámicas y oportunidades futuras

Los estados son responsables de brindar protección social a sus ciudadanos, y en un contexto migratorio, son los países de destino los principales responsables. Sin embargo, las limitaciones en la cobertura y el acceso de las personas migrantes han dado lugar a un sinfín de medidas informales, incluidas las proporcionadas por comunidades transnacionales y diásporas que mantienen a sus familias y comunidades a través de redes personales, otorgando acceso a atención médica, educación, jubilación y seguridad social.

Diasporas at the forefront of social protection; impacts, dynamics, and future opportunities

States are responsible for providing social protection to their citizens, and in a migratory context it is countries of destination which are principally responsible. Nevertheless, limitations in migrant coverage and access have given rise to a plethora of informal measures, including those provided by transnational communities and diasporas who support their families and communities through personal networks, granting access to healthcare, education, retirement, and social security.