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Regional consultation in Africa: Towards the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance

Event date with timezone
- Europe/Zurich
Type of Event

In 2022, IOM as the lead international agency working on issues related to human mobility and as Coordinator of the UN Network on Migration (UNMN), co-hosted the first Global Diaspora Summit (GDS), in partnership with the Government of Ireland and other lead participating states. The outcome of the successful GDS is the Dublin Declaration, a plan of action for diaspora to institutionalize and operationalize diaspora capitals across policies, programmes, and partnerships in a coherent and consistent framework. It outlines a concise and visionary plan of action to support strategic engagement of diaspora organizations.  

During the GDS a commitment was made as a recommendation of the Dublin Declaration to create a Global Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPA), as a means of cultivating an inclusive ecosystem of collaboration across governments and key stakeholders to empower diasporas to be able to fully contribute to sustainable development. In this regard, IOM and partners will be pleased to facilitate this multistakeholder consultation to discuss the establishment of the GDPA. The purpose of the future GDPA will be to create a networked tool of expertise and exchange to complement existing facilities prioritizing diaspora engagement in global development policy frameworks and will serve to bring a broad array of partners together to accelerate implementation of the SDGs.  

IOM and key partners made a significant effort towards bringing the GDPA to life by hosting a highly impactful hybrid Global Multistakeholder Consultation on May 17, 2022. During this event, Member States reaffirmed their commitments to the Dublin Declaration, and the initial structure of the GDPA was presented. Subsequent written consultations, including a global survey, gathered feedback from Member States, diaspora, private sector, academia, and key partners to further develop the Alliance. 

The aim of this Regional Consultation is to present and discuss the findings of the survey conducted from the 31st of July to the 4th of September. Participants will have the opportunity to share their views on the structure and objectives of the GDPA and feed the global processes. Governments, diasporas, youth, NGOs, and key actors are invited to express their views on this unique new structure. 


  • Provide a concise overview of the accomplishments and significant milestones achieved in diaspora engagement since the Dublin Declaration. 

  • Advocate for the creation of collaborative ecosystems equipped with essential resources, networks, and partnerships, fostering sustainable development by fully leveraging the potential of diasporas. 

  • Share the outcomes of consultations and surveys conducted by IOM, gathering valuable insights from stakeholders. 

  • Collaboratively define the ultimate structure of the GDPA and its Technical Working Groups, incorporating input from the four regional consultations scheduled across the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Pacific, and Africa 




5 min

Welcoming remarks – Video from DDG Ugochi Daniels  

15 min  

Outcomes and milestones since the Global Diaspora Summit 

Dr. Larisa Lara, Transnational Communities and Digital Communications Officer 

50 min  

Advancing the Global Diaspora Policy Alliance: Key Results and Agreements from Multistakeholder Consultation 

Roberto Cancel, Senior Regional Labour Mobiilty and Social Inclusion

40 min 


10 min 

Closing Remarks 

Target Audience

Multi-stakeholder event addressed to Governments, Diaspora Organizations, International Organizations (IOs), Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), members of civil society, youth and key partners.