The Government of Rwanda The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – Rwanda Community Abroad (MINAFFET – RCA) in partnership with The Ministry of Public Service and Labor – Chief Skills Office (MIFOTRA - CSO) development partners, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Rwanda Finance Limited ( RFL) and key stakeholders in the Financial Services Sector plan on hosting a global live webinar targeting Diaspora talents on opportunities within the Financial sector of Rwanda and how they can contribute to the development of the country through knowledge and skills transfer, remittance, and investment.
The conference will bring together policymakers, civil society, the private sector, and diaspora talents from all over the globe. Finance is a cross-cutting and an enabler in Rwanda’s priority sectors of the economy. Being a crosscutting enabler presents enormous opportunities to investors and the Diaspora communities in their desire to contribute to development in Rwanda.
It is well known that the Diaspora contribute largely to the development of their origin countries in different forms. The role of Rwandan communities abroad in the development of their motherland is a priority to the Government of Rwanda. Rwanda has a significant diaspora community in various countries across the world, and they play an increasingly important role in the development of the country.
It is therefore of paramount importance that this group is neither forgotten nor ignored. With advancements in technology and the more frequent use of webinars, we have found an easier and more affordable way to reach these communities and engage them in a more interactive way on how they can contribute towards the development of the country.
This is one of a series of sector webinars we will be hosting in our drive to increase diaspora engagement and participation.