Georgina Kwakye: Connecting Diaspora

Story originally published by Connecting - IOM Netherlands.
Georgina Kwakye is a former TV presenter and actress, who now works as a communications specialist and trainer. She has been a valuable partner in the CD4D project since 2017. Since 2020, she has been involved in the CD4D Ambassador campaign, which aims to make diaspora engagement more visible in the Netherlands. This article highlights her story and motivation to work with diaspora communities.
“My name is Georgina Kwakye and I am half Ghanese, half Hungarian, and born and raised in the Netherlands. I am proud of my Ghanaian father and Hungarian mother. Both came to the Netherlands and worked as doctors. They always stayed connected to their countries of origin by transferring their knowledge.
My father´s dream was to build a hospital in his hometown. He lost his mother due to pneumonia when he was ten years old. This tragic life event motivated him to become a doctor. He received a scholarship and got the chance to study in Europe. He stayed there to work as a heart surgeon but living in the West was not easy. It was difficult to get settled as a migrant and there was inequality. He visited Ghana on a regular basis and wanted to give something back to his community..."
Read the full story here